Monday, January 22, 2007


Again (by Robert Creeley) p.223

While reading this poem, I could not help but have a sort of tired or burnt out voice read it in my mind. I read it slowely because the narrator seemed to be slow, and sort of depressed at the monotony of his/her routine life. The poem is a reflection of the speaker's day that has just passed. The way the author is able to evoke these feelings of distress on a reader is through their use of grammatical pauses. Also, the quality of the language cues the reader into realizing the boredom and dryness that the speaker is implying, such as in "One more day gone / done, found in / the form of days." The commas that are found throughout the piece force the speaker to pause and, in a sense, make the phrase drag. There is a moment half way through the piece where the speaker becomes elated and mentions the time during the day when he/she was happy (because, it seems, they were in the company of friends). However, they speaker "then came down / on the ground again", coming back to their senses and going back to bed, to prepare for another day which brings the same routines.

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