Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Postcard Psalm by Christopher Janke


Christopher Janke

milk gone bad

in my mouth


spit it


into yours

drive to

a different town


driving cars

the movie

about a city


so many people


their shoes

From first reading this poem it was not obvious to me as to what exactly the author is trying to convey. This poem reminds me of the free writing excercise we did in class writing random thoughts for a certain amount of time. Each of the phrases from the author can relate to another. By rearranging the phrases or words in actual sentences, the poem makes sense. I think the author is trying to get at the fact that as life goes, people all around the world are going through different things. People might be driving, drinking bad milk, or even simply tying their shoes but others are dying and suffering. I like the way that the author scatters these thoughts and creates confusion for the reader. I feel as if the author is indicating that people need to pay more attention to what goes on in their world and that there is really more to life than what goes on within one person's world.

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